Posts Tagged ‘Extreme weather’

The Forces that Narrow the Climate Debate

Last week on Twitter I lamented the simplistic public discourse on climate change, how it’s often framed by those who dismiss the legitimate concerns of a warming planet and those who play up those concerns. American Politicians, especially those with leadership positions in the Republican and Democratic parties, could steer the debate into calmer waters…Continue Reading…

The Meme Climate Communicators are Betting On

In his big speech earlier this week, President Obama put the American people on notice that he intends to make climate change a centerpiece of his second term. But is the nation with him on that? The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press reports: Dealing with global…Continue Reading…

What Happens When the Latest Climate Porn Ends?

How inconvenient. I go away on vacation for a few weeks and during that time everybody, it seems, becomes convinced that global warming has struck the earth like the Ten Plagues of Egypt.  So does this mean the message (unabated carbon emissions = climate damnation) finally–finally!–has been received by 1) the media, 2) all earthlings…Continue Reading…

Tackling the Climate Attribution Puzzle

In Nature this week, Quirin Schiermeier has written the most lucid, evenhanded article I’ve read yet on the vexing issue of extreme weather/climate change attribution. He also reports on some notable developments. For example, Quirin writes that in the past year, climate researchers in the United States and Britain have formed a loose coalition under…Continue Reading…

Is Extreme Weather Linked to Global Warming?

That’s the million dollar question Yale Environment 360 put to a nice cross-section of climate experts. The roster includes Kevin Trenberth, Judith Curry,  Kerry Emanuel, and Roger Pielke, Jr., among others. To my mind, there are no surprising statements from any of the aforementioned contributors, if you are familiar with their previously stated positions. (Somebody…Continue Reading…

Cramming for a Column

Roger Pielke Jr. notes Paul Krugman’s recent learning curve on Egypt. As I pointed out, it helps if you have the right tutor.