Posts Tagged ‘environmentalists’

Why Do Greens Reject the Science on GMOs? Last month, I got a chuckle out of this silver lining from a New Republic article: The liberals who rant about genetically modified food may be pushing a point of view that is objectively as crazy as believing carbon emissions are not causing global warming; but liberals are still more likely (and willing) to get… Continue Reading…

When Environmentalists Team Up With Industry

Zolpidem Generic Purchase In March, several green groups, notably the Environmental Defense Fund, formed a partnership with Chevron and other energy companies to, as the LA Times reported, provide more stringent standards for fracking of natural gas in parts of the eastern United States. The collaboration, which also includes several philanthropies, has been formalized with a non-profit organization called… Continue Reading…

Solving the Energy Equation

Everybody knows the global politics of climate change are leading nowhere.  If the futile UN-sponsored talks illustrates one thing, it is that no country is willing to make economic sacrifices to reduce its carbon emissions. Roger Pielke Jr. calls this the iron law of climate policy. It’s proving ironclad. That essentially leaves us with one option:… Continue Reading…

What Do Greens and Mothers Have in Common? It drives my mother crazy that I won’t take a multi-vitamin. The woman raised me on a steady diet of Ring Dings and Yoo-hoos and now she knows what’s best for my health. I get the mantra every time she visits: “You’re run-down, you don’t get enough sleep, you need to take a multi-vitamin.” “Yeah,… Continue Reading…

Green Bigotry There’s a good post up at Grist on the latent anti-immigrant sentiment within the larger environmental community. Anyone who is familiar with the green bigotry on this issue has probably bumped up against what the writer describes here: So after I began working in the environmental community, I was disturbed to find that when friends… Continue Reading…

Buyer's Remorse Grist seems to have a bad case of buyer’s remorse these days. There was plenty of fiery debate on the Waxman-Markey climate bill in the weeks leading up to its passage out of committee. But if you’re a regular reader of Grist you only heard one side of that debate, mainly a vigorous defense/rationalization of… Zolpidem Buy Online India Continue Reading…

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What Goes Around It’s not often you see this issue examined, much less in a leading environmental magazine. So what about that Presidential appointee merry-go-round, where industry and greens take their turns running the Interior Department, the Forest Service et al? The High Country News story spurred a lively debate among its readers that seemed to illustrate, as… Continue Reading…

Both Sides Do It So is this what it comes down to in environmental debates, who is more successful at manipulating the public? As the N.Y. Times reports, EcoAmerica has been conducting research for the last several years to find new ways to frame environmental issues and so build public support for climate change legislation and other initiatives. Among… Continue Reading…

Tough Choices for Greens

American environmentalists don’t do complexity well. They live in a binary world of good guys and bad guys. Of late, the global warming issue has revealed this most starkly. So it bears watching how this will play out. Keith Johnson’s excellent take over at Environmental Capital covers all the bases.

Give Friedman the Damn Ball The thing you have to respect about Thomas Friedman is that he does halftime adjustments as well as Bill Belichick. So climate activists would be wise to pay special attention to today’s column, because Friedman lays out the best game plan I’ve seen yet on how they can get their team back in the game…. Continue Reading…

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