Posts Tagged ‘Energy’

The Problem, in a Nutshell

Humankind doesn’t innovate in really profound ways that change whole societies until they are in a situation of emergency. Thomas Homer-Dixon, speaking last week at this conference.

Game Over?

Over the weekend, NASA climate scientist James Hansen wrote on his website (my emphasis): The U.S. Department of State seems likely to approve a huge pipeline to carry tar sands oil (about 830,000 barrels per day) to Texas refineries unless sufficient objections are raised. The scientific community needs to get involved in this fray now.  If this…Continue Reading…

The Next Oil Frontier

Like a monster in a horror movie, oil might prove tough to kill off. This front-page story in today’s WSJ ought to give climate concerned folk the shudders. Because it’s behind a pay wall, I’m going to quote extensively from the piece, including this set-up: The Arabian Peninsula has fueled the global economy with oil…Continue Reading…

Drilling Down on Big Oil

Nice package of pieces over at Foreign Policy, all part of a special report called, “The State of Big Oil.” Worth checking out.

Reality Bites

Here’s news and (a headline) that is sure to rankle many in the climate and environmental communities: Obama seeks to promote more oil drilling in Alaska, offshore But it shouldn’t come as a surprise, since this is what he said during his recent “energy security” speech in March: Meeting this new goal of cutting our oil…Continue Reading…

The Energy Wonk Fight Is Missing a Key Player

This is good that The Breakthrough Institute (TBI) is calling out the Heritage Foundation. Even better would be if TBI’s Post-Partisan Power collaborator, the American Enterprise Institute, pushed back, too. Or is this a fight that Steven Hayward would rather avoid? I guess it depends on how strongly he feels about that part in the Post-Partisan…Continue Reading…

Energy Colonies

Some musing over at Frontier Earth on the impermanence of life in an energy colony, and the tradeoffs the people who live in them are willing to make.

Shale Gas Debate Heating Up

And it’s prompting so much rapid head swiveling you’re liable to get whiplash.

One Reason for Energy Policy Failure

This is quite an interesting scoop (underplayed with a bland headline) that John Broder posted last night at the NYT Green blog. Here are the money quotes: “I failed in one aspect of my job,” said General Jones, a former Marine Corps commandant. “I should have advocated much more persuasively for the creation of a…Continue Reading…

Methane Abundance

No, it’s not the title of a new Howard Stern skit. It’s what Rockefeller University’s Jesse Ausubel calls the world we live in today, over at Dot Earth, where Andrew Revkin is asking if this new shale gas report from EIA completely ices the case that gas is now (more than was already clear) a fundamental game…Continue Reading…