Posts Tagged ‘climate skeptics’

Who Started this Ruckus, Anyway?

UPDATE: Do browse the lively comment thread, especially where Judith Curry says of the famed Hockey Stick: “So I am laying down the gauntlet, this really needs to be discussed and rebutted by the paleo researchers and the IPCC defenders.” Maybe we need to back up before we can go forward.  A very interesting exchange…Continue Reading…

Climate Buffoonery

Climate skeptics may be loathe to admit this, but they have a Monckton problem. The guy is just too clownish to be taken seriously, as Lucia recently demonstrated. Yet, there’s no denying he’s the go-to-guy, the U.S. Congressional Republican witness, the conference headliner, the unofficial spokesman who is quoted prominently by the NYT. So this…Continue Reading…

Moment of Truth

So climate skeptics of all stripes have an opportunity to demonstrate just how highly they value sound science. As the NY Times reports today, religious conservatives are hitching their anti-evolution agenda to the anti-AGW bandwagon. Now, as the readers of Climate Depot, Planet Gore, Watts Up With That, Reason’s Hit & Run, and Tom Nelson…Continue Reading…

Puncturing the Conspiracy Myth

At Daily Kos, David Brin posted a nice, meta rebuttal to one of the central assertions of climate skeptics: that anthropogenic global warming is some mass conspiracy within the discipline of climate science, a solid wall of group think that none of the field’s scientists dare to cross. As Brin observes: This uniformity of craven…Continue Reading…