Monthly Archives : November 2010

Mission Impossible: Separating Science & Politics

David Roberts must not have received the memo that he was supposed to ignore Judith Curry. Seriously, Roberts has made a forceful argument in response to a recent Curry post, in which she wrote: Climate scientists have no particular expertise on politics, economics or social ethics. A scientist’s personal sense of values and morality has…Continue Reading…

Climate Hawk Kabuki

If climate hawks (see, I can play along) weren’t so stubborn, they’d listen to people like Paul Kelly: The world knows all about the stated dangers to climate. It has heard the projections and in large part accepted the science. Every government, every school from kindergarten through university, most newspapers and magazines and media outlets…Continue Reading…

The Truth, Sourcwatch Style

This is priceless. The person responsible for researching and writing the SourceWatch page on Judith Curry has an odd way of gathering her information. For example, here are some questions she emailed Curry last night: Hello again Dr. Curry – People who know climate science are having trouble making sense of your critiques, and I…Continue Reading…

Romm Cherry-Picking, With Fudge

Joe Romm has a curious post up today that begins this way: While some confused people think we are headed to a post-partisan era, more reality-based analysts, like centrist political reporter Dana Milbank, know what nonsense that is. Romm’s “post-partisan era” link takes you to a piece he wrote several weeks ago that was critical…Continue Reading…