Monthly Archives : March 2010

The Climate Reconciliation

Earlier this month, the Center for American Progress (CAP) moderated an interesting panel discussion on the relationship between migration and climate change. Based upon this CAP paper on the subject, issued in December, it would seem that the liberal think tank is not above overplaying the scary climate migrant card. So, via The New Security…Continue Reading…

Selling out the Everglades

Remember the old saw, “I have some prime swampland to sell you in Florida…” As this law blog notes, the saying is based on events of the 1960s and 1970s where local scammers would attempt to induce out of state purchasers to acquire “lucrative” land which, in reality, turned out to be worthless, undevelopable plots….Continue Reading…

Through the Looking Glass

There is much that is astonishing about today NYT story on Somalia, above all this: One American official recently conceded that Somalia’s “best hope” was the government’s new military chief, a 60-year-old former artillery officer who, until a few months ago, was assistant manager at a McDonald’s in Germany. Meanwhile, in the Guardian, you can…Continue Reading…

A Blank Stare

I’m a little surprised this NYT story by Jeffrey Gettleman hasn’t been noted at Natural Security. It’s about an innovative aid project in Sauri, Kenya that seems to be a big success.  Because the Sauri initiative is among the first of 80 “showcase” projects dreamed up by Jeffrey Sachs, the implications of its success are…Continue Reading…

Sustainability Dilemmas

The social/ecological relationship is one that fascinates me. It seems to have been the theme of this year’s annual Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) symposium, which Piper Corp reports on at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) blog. For those unfamiliar with LTER’s, this gem of a program is in its third decade and is…Continue Reading…

Call of the Wild

Several days ago, Andy Revkin wrote a Dot Earth post about what I would characterize as an ecotopia for conservationists: After three years of meetings and study, a broad array of conservation groups, government scientists and other experts on North American wildlife policy have produced a road map for restoring some large free-roaming populations of…Continue Reading…

Moment of Truth

So climate skeptics of all stripes have an opportunity to demonstrate just how highly they value sound science. As the NY Times reports today, religious conservatives are hitching their anti-evolution agenda to the anti-AGW bandwagon. Now, as the readers of Climate Depot, Planet Gore, Watts Up With That, Reason’s Hit & Run, and Tom Nelson…Continue Reading…

A Dead Man's Tales

A story I’ve been writing about and following closely since last summer has taken another odd and tragic turn. Here’s a can of worms that’s bound to be pried open: Ted Gardiner, who had many off-the-record and deep background conversations with The Salt Lake Tribune during the past eight months, insisted he had come to…Continue Reading…

Fisking Romm

Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger do a deep dive into the Romm/Pielke Jr. affair. Some trenchant observations made by the Breakthrough boys, such as this one: Romm knows that a debate with a non-skeptical liberal like Pielke would disrupt the Manichean fairy tale that global warming is an epic struggle by scientists and climate realists…Continue Reading…

The Flogger

Unlike Democrats, Republicans are renowned for their ability to stay on message. As I suggested here, Marc Morano has cunningly exploited recent events to help craft a narrative that will have short-term staying power. So unless he’s getting cocky, this foot stomping imagery probably isn’t what he intended. Yet here he is, going in for…Continue Reading…