Monthly Archives : February 2010

The Climate Bunker

This online story highlighted at Foreign Policy magazine’s website has a rushed feel to it. It also has a deck that doesn’t deliver: How global warming deniers are running circles around the U.N.’s top climate body I eagerly read the piece to see how that was happening. All I came away with is the reporter’s…Continue Reading…

Puncturing the Conspiracy Myth

At Daily Kos, David Brin posted a nice, meta rebuttal to one of the central assertions of climate skeptics: that anthropogenic global warming is some mass conspiracy within the discipline of climate science, a solid wall of group think that none of the field’s scientists dare to cross. As Brin observes: This uniformity of craven…Continue Reading…

Attacking the Messenger

I’m not surprised that Romm goes bananas over this front-page article in today’s NYT by Elisabeth Rosenthal, because it prominently quotes Roger Pielke, Jr. Any high profile story with a Pielke makes Romm all frothy. (I do, however, think the piece leaned too heavily on Roger and that it should have mentioned that he is…Continue Reading…

The Climate Narrative

There are two guys who’d sooner be waterboarded than admit the other was right about something. But Marc Morano and Joe Romm would certainly agree on one thing: the importance of a compelling narrative. Marc Morano. Take a look at the stories that dominate Climate Depot lately. It’s IPCC, round the clock. Notice the familiarity…Continue Reading…

The Green Police Commercial

I kinda knew that Joe Romm wouldn’t find the Super Bowl Audi commercial funny. He’s humor challenged. But David Roberts at Grist? Jesus, can’t you guys just chill and see past your environmentally correct navels for once? Dudes, it was satire! It worked. Hell, I bet Al Gore laughed. If you’ve ever seen him on…Continue Reading…

About Those Loincloths

The exhibits in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, like many archaeology exhibits, depicts Indians wearing only loincloths. Yet, as my favorite archaeology blogger points out,  there is ample historical and archaeological evidence that ancient Puebloans (more popularly known as the Anasazi) wore clothes. Imagine that! He rightly concludes that this false representation has more to…Continue Reading…

The Warping of the Climate Debate

Andrew Sullivan notes that Drudge is doing his part to amplify the climate change naysayer echo machine.  This is certainly true, but the op-ed that Drudge links to is much more nuanced than its headline: “The Great Global Warming Collapse.” If all you did was glance at that headline, here’s the part you wouldn’t know…Continue Reading…

Utah Debates Climate Change

The Utah legislature is fond of symbolic gestures. The latest is a beaut. It’s a resolution from the chamber’s Natural Resources Committee, urging the EPA not to proceed with plans to regulate greenhouse gases until a full and independent investigation of the climate data conspiracy and global warming science can be substantiated. Mike Noel, a…Continue Reading…

Disparate Anti-Science Forces

In case you missed the big news about the Lancet retraction, Daniel Drezner has the best meta post. He hints at the parallels between the anti-vaccine nuts, GMO opponents and climate change skeptics (strange bedfellows, aye?). I see it too, but I believe irrationality underlies the anti-vaccine movement while ideology drives the other two. Regardless,…Continue Reading…

The Future Will Be Postponed

On Tuesday, a front page NYT story by David Sanger on President Obama’s proposed budget for 20011 scared the hell out of me. Diving deep into the numbers, Sanger wrote: By President Obama’s own optimistic projections, American deficits will not return to what are widely considered sustainable levels over the next 10 years. In fact,…Continue Reading…