Monthly Archives : June 2009

Nuisance Nudists

If Mike Judge wants endless material for his new show, he should be  getting Boulder, Colorado news feeds, such as this one: A nudist couple living in north Boulder is complaining about discrimination after being asked by their landlord to “dress appropriately” when outside of their unit.

The Clash of Two Cultures

I’m just catching up with this essay by Mark Dowie. Money quote: The perceived arrogance of “big conservation” is a confounding factor; so too is the understandable tendency of some indigenous people to conflate conservation with imperialism. The results of this century-old conflict are thousands of protected areas that cannot be managed and an intractable…Continue Reading…

In Praise of (Web) Journalism

I’m most hopeful about journalism’s future in the digital age when I see evidence of professional upstarts taking ownership of stories, as Pro Publica has with its continuing coverage of controversial drilling practices by the oil & gas industry. In the old print world, investigative reporters took on big projects that bore fruit with a…Continue Reading…

Somebody Help Joe Romm

Always eager to play the guilt-by-association card, Joe Romm seizes on George Will’s latest column in yet another attempt to tar the reputations of Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus of The Breakthrough Institute. By now, it should be clear to sensible greens that Romm can’t help himself. He seems possessed by a fanatical hatred for…Continue Reading…

Adaptation Fund Could Grease Climate Agreement

Over at Foreign Policy, Daniel Drezner offers a tutorial on international relations theory as it applies to international climate change negotiations: China has supplanted America as the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. From an economic perspective, we are witnessing a transition from a bipolar world (the US + EU) to a multipolar world (OECD +…Continue Reading…

Twitter Your Dead

Via the Danger Room, I learn that the U.S. military has embraced Twitter in Afghanistan–to post tallies of enemy dead: If prevailing wisdom about “population-centric” counterinsurgency holds, why is the U.S. military using Twitter to post body counts? Apparently, it’s about maintaining the support of the population back at home. At the media conference I…Continue Reading…

The Future of Journalism

[UPDATE: Good coverage from The New York Observer on the event below.] I just attended a lively panel discussion at NYU’s J-school, entitled, “The Future of Media: 2009,” which featured major players from newspaper, magazine, and blogging worlds. A video will go up soon at I Want Media, which sponsored the event. In the meantime,…Continue Reading…

The Countdown

I’ve been traveling so I missed ABC’s big show last night, but if this criticism (below) is on target, then perhaps another missed opportunity… From a columnist at the SF Examiner: The evil that ABC did in broadcasting Earth 2100 will live on long after them. By presenting a fictional account of future global warming,…Continue Reading…

What is the Way Forward?

A news service of the U.N. that I find useful for its dispatches from developing countries asks, in an article, if there is a danger of “information overload” with the spate of alarming reports on the consequences of climate change, such as the most recent one released last week from the Global Humanitarian Forum. What…Continue Reading…

Do the Twister, Romm-Style

As the mind-numbing debate over Waxman-Markey grinds on, we should be thankful for the unintended entertainment provided by Joe Romm’s rants and contortionist logic. Upset that some critics have accused him of “cheerleading” the WM bill, Romm is now flailing away, lashing out in typical, unseemly asides at all his usual bogeymen. More bizzarely, Romm…Continue Reading…