Posts Under ‘politics’ Category

An Interesting Concept

This exchange between Republican Senator James Inhofe and Deborah Solomon in the Sunday NYT magazine is priceless. Inhofe: Can you tell me one reason to close Gitmo? NYT: Because it’s on foreign soil, where prisoners don’t have the same legal rights as prisoners tried here, and we want to apply the same laws to everybody….Continue Reading…

Bushian Horror Fodder

In passing comments published in yesterday’s New York Times Book review section, Stephen King explains how the previous Administration inspired the theme for his new new novel: I enjoyed taking the Bush-Cheney dynamic and shrinking it to the small-town level. The last administration interested me because of the aura of fundamentalist religion that surrounded it…Continue Reading…

Terms of Engagement

In their third (and final?) critique of a certain climate blogger, Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus explain to their own critics why they don’t take on the other side: The work of holding Republican obstructionists, anti-government extremists, and right-wing conspiracy mongers to task is work for principled conservatives, not liberals. The work of greens and…Continue Reading…

Gag Buddies

A certain democratic senator talks warmly about the environmental Darth Vader: We are really very good friends. It’s a good working relationship we have. People are very surprised about it. Oh man, you have no idea just how surprised some green-colored people will be.