Posts Under ‘climate science’ Category

Stuck in the Middle with Them

Andy Revkin must feel like a  wind dummy  everyone’s punching bag. Last week, he had the temerity to say that “climategate” 2, like the 2009 episode, couldn’t be easily dismissed. So of course he got slapped around by all sorts of people in the climate concerned community, including some prominent scientists: You are claiming that…Continue Reading…

Climate Science, the Media, and the Middle Ground

If you’re following press coverage of the second wave of purloined email communications between climate scientists, you might have noticed that many in the media have turned their attention to the whodunit angle. This is very much a worthy story to pursue (which I’ll have more to say on in a few days), since the…Continue Reading…

The Meaning of "Climategate" (And Its Sequel)

The reaction thus far to the latest release of climate science emails (“son of climategate”) has played out along two tracks. Each has separate storylines. In the feverish precincts of the climate blogosphere, especially those in permanent battle mode, the response has been predictable. Anthony Watts is in full swoon and Marc Morano has turned on all…Continue Reading…

Forecasting Climate Doom

The report issued this week by the International Energy Agency (IEA) made a splash in the climate blogosphere and in some big-time media outlets like the Guardian, which ran a story with this headline: World headed for irreversible climate change in five years, IEA warns That got me thinking of James Hansen’s

Is Judith Curry Peddling Disinformation?

In recent days, Richard Tol, an economist and “climate polymath,” has been battling Georgia Tech climate scientist Judith Curry. It started when Curry spotlighted some questionable research (two journal papers) on her blog, which contained statistical analysis that Tol initially called “sloppy.” He said the work was “published in minor journals, so that these papers…Continue Reading…

Will Global Warming Heat Up 2012 Election?

Six months ago, I would have said no. Now, I’m thinking there’s a good chance it may. I lay out the rationale over at the Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media. Also appearing today at the Yale Forum is Sara Peach’s meaty piece on the GOP’s dramatically changed stance on global warming. A…Continue Reading…

The Big Picture

Michael Levi, a climate and energy analyst with the Council on Foreign Relations, shoots down Joe Romm and Real Climate in one post. I sense that it pains him to do this, especially with regard to the latter. More on that in a minute. First, I want to point out that Levi’s argument about the…Continue Reading…

Swooning Over Matt Ridley

Climate skeptics are all tingly over Matt Ridley’s recent speech (titled “Scientific Heresy”) to the Royal Scottish Academy. The reaction from Anthony Watts and Bishop Hill reminded me of these famous fanboys. The speech itself is worth reading and has numerous legitimate points ripe for debate, which I’ll take up in a future post. Meanwhile, I’ll ask if Ridley and climate…Continue Reading…

The Fight for the Climate Narrative

So it’s not surprising that lots of people got peeved with the way the BEST story played out in the media. People who feel strongly about climate issues are invariably disappointed with climate media coverage. Hence the perpetual effort to shape the climate narrative. It was perceived by some that Muller overplayed the BEST results…Continue Reading…

A Climate Soap Opera

Is Judith Curry throwing Richard Muller under the bus in this newspaper article, as Anthony Watts chortles here? Or has Curry been played by the notorious David Rose, the author of the Mail piece? Either way, Watts, ever the dramatist, channels his inner Godfather with this faux exasperation: I try to get away to work on…Continue Reading…