Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Miami's Dominant Climate Narrative

In 2013, Jeff Goodell wrote a long piece in Rolling Stone explaining how rising seas would eventually drown the city of Miami, Florida. The money quote: “Miami, as we know it today, is doomed,” says Harold Wanless, the chairman of the department of geological sciences at the University of Miami. “It’s not a question of if….Continue Reading…

Keeping Tabs on Climate Change

As I wrote here several weeks ago, global warming is already changing South Florida’s ecology. The difficulty facing land managers and field biologists is determining the extent of the change and what actions to take.  After talking with a number of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service staffers based in the southeast, I had the impression…Continue Reading…

On the Climate Change Frontline

I love to hash over climate policy and politics as much as the next peon blogger. And I love biting the ankles of melodramatic bloviators. But I also love reporting, which often means reading documents and talking with people on the phone. So this week I’ve tried to tamp down my enthusiasm for bloggy smackdowns…Continue Reading…