Posts Tagged ‘DDT’

Stewart Brand Gets Fact-Checked

One of my favorite new blogs (for me) is Ecological Sociology. Its current post on Stewart Brand’s hypocrisy hits all the right notes. (Monbiot is all over this.) Long story short: In Brand’s book, Whole Earth Discipline, he evidently writes (I haven’t seen the passage myself yet): …In an excess of zeal that [Rachel] Carson…Continue Reading…

Remember When Inhaling Insecticide Was Fun

Ah, the nostalgia of those summertime DDT showers: My friends and I would dash along behind the jeep, running in and out of the gassy cloud, breathing in the strong odor of the insecticide as droplets condensed on our clothes and skin. This is an indelible memory for many baby boomer Americans. I once heard…Continue Reading…