Stop the Presses

Here’s a great post at Climate Progress on solar power and the Southwest. I was all set to laud Joe Romm, too, until I read further and discovered it’s not from him, but a colleague of his cross-posting from another site. Oh well.

6 Responses to “Stop the Presses”

  1. Francis says:

    Two in the same day!  Got something in your Wheaties this morning?  It’s a well-written story with some good news, for once.  Did you have to mention Joe Romm at all?

  2. Keith Kloor says:

    Made sense to me. You gotta loosen up, Francis. If I can’t have some fun while doing this, I’ll bore myself to death (long before Michael’s apocalypse arrives) and end up writing for you and maybe ten other people.

  3. Marlowe Johnson says:

    Out of curiousity Keith, do you have/want a Joe Romm bobblehead at home that you punch and/or practice voodoo on just for shits&giggles?

  4. Keith Kloor says:

    Sure do. I put it right between my Anthony Watts and Jeff ID bobble heads.

    Funny how you never seem bothered when I take my cracks at those bobble chuckle heads. (Not to worry, though: Tom Fuller has you covered on that one.)

  5. David44 says:

    The following is in moderation at CP:
    I was forced to violate my rule never to visit CP, but to my surprise I found much to agree with, especially:
    “Making sure the recommended priority system favors siting on lands that are already disturbed, close to urban areas, and near infrastructure including roads and transmission connections.”
    Can some someone knowledgeable explain why these solar power units can’t be placed on the rooftops of large commercial and industrial buildings in urban or suburban locations instead of fragile, remote deserts? I understand that the solar intensity there is attractive, but there would seem to be tremendous efficiencies in placing them where they are needed and where the power might even be used directly in new or existing buildings with high power demands. Not necessarily quick and cheap, but ultimately more sustainable (just put sustainable behind your idea and it’s bound to sell, right?) Destroying large blocks of wild areas to save the environment sounds a lot like the Viet Nam era military weirdness of destroying villages in order to save the peasants.

  6. Francis says:

    acquisition, maintenance and operational costs are all higher, and this is a business that needs subsidies from the get-go.

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