
Keep those test tube beakers flowing in the garage, Nature says:

Biohackers are an example of the growing ‘citizen science’ movement, in which the public takes an active role in scientific experiments. Citizen science can help stimulate public support for science, and can introduce fresh ideas from novel disciplines.

3 Responses to “Biohackers”

  1. Steven Sullivan says:

    Hey, a few centuries ago, it was pretty much *all* ‘citizen science’…or at least ‘gentleman scientists’.

  2. Chris S. says:

    They also say that the scientific value of the biohackers movement has been zero, though it’s still early days yet, And that any scientific value will likely come in cheaper lab equipment rather than any breakthroughs, major or incremental.
    Ah well, I’m sure they’ll have fun.

  3. Paul T says:

    One thing that might help to promote the public acceptance of the science of global warming would be to enlist the voices of those who, unlike Al Gore, are respected by American conservatives. To be specific, I have in mind publicizing the endorsements of the science of global warming by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, The National Geographic Society, The American Meteorological Association, and the Vatican.

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