Monthly Archives : December 2010

A Cozy Assumption

The WikiLeaks release of 250,000 diplomatic cables continues to discomfit many journalists. In his recent media column, David Carr writes that WikiLeaks does not share the same values or objectives [as a traditional news organization]. Mr. Assange and the site’s supporters see transparency as the ultimate objective, believing that sunshine and openness will deprive bad…Continue Reading…

About Those Frankenfoods

I have no idea what an editor does over at ScienceBlogs. I doubt they do any actual editing of blogs. But evidently they get to choose their favorite posts, the way a clerk advertises his top ten flicks at your local movie rental store. So my eye drifted to a recent number one “editor’s pick”…Continue Reading…

Where Science is Flawed

In its current issue, The New Yorker has an excellent piece on the prevalence of (unconscious) bias in scientific studies that builds on this recent must-read piece in The Atlantic. And to some extent, Jonah Lehrer’s New Yorker article builds on this story he did for Wired in 2009. Anyone interested in the scientific process…Continue Reading…

Where Are The Editors?

George Monbiot bores into the reporting (past and present) of the UK’s David Rose, who seems to have a stellar record of getting big stories wrong. But Monbiot should have spread the blame around, because as Daniel Okrent noted in his own castigation of the NY Times’ WMD coverage in the run-up to the Iraq…Continue Reading…

The Thrill of the Story

I’ve been teaching journalism at NYU since 2005. I’m an adjunct there, and I usually teach one or two courses a year. It’s one of the most professionally gratifying things I do. Nothing pleases me more than when a student gets that rush of excitement from a story he or she is working on for…Continue Reading…

Buying Political Time for Climate Action

Over at Real Climate, Ray Pierrehumbert has a meaty post that takes up this assertion by Ramanathan and Victor in their recent NYT op-ed: Reducing soot and the other short-lived pollutants would not stop global warming, but it would buy time, perhaps a few decades, for the world to put in place more costly efforts…Continue Reading…

Fighting For Your Miserable Future

As much as I admire Bill McKibben’s tenacity, he really bums me out in this interview with Andrew Revkin: The basic issue of the planet right now is that it’s disintegrating…There’s no happy ending where we prevent climate change any more. Now the question is, is it going to be a miserable century or an…Continue Reading…

The Crank-Off

Speaking of contests, Orac has winnowed a list of “terminal terminator cranks” into the top three and asks readers to pick a winner: Anti-vaccine loons Tobacco/secondhand smoke denialists Anthropogenic global warming denialists

Chance Encounters at Cancun

What a sweet picture. Somebody should draw up thought clouds for each of these guys and have a contest for the funniest strip.

Fearing the Findings on Fear Messaging

UPDATE: Joe Romm and Brad Johnson respond in the comment thread. If you’re a climate blogger who often plays up the most potentially catastrophic consequences of global warming, and a new sociological study finds that “dire messages warning of the severity of global warming and its presumed dangers can backfire,” what do you do? You…Continue Reading…